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Dog Training & Behavior


Does your dog act aggressively, bark excessively, pull on the leash, destroy household items, jump up on people or run away? Here at Berkeley K-9, we offer basic and/or advanced obedience to help aid with these common canine issues. If these behaviors sound like a familiar occurrence in your household, consider one of our programs.


Our doors are open to dogs of all ages, breeds and personalities. Our willingness to work with any temperament is what we feel sets us apart from the rest. Whether fearful, aggressive, terrified or shy, we have helped many dogs and dog owners alike who felt they couldn't find help or were running out of options. We are happy to help you and your dog conquer any concerns.

Obedience Training


In our basic obedience class, we will educate you on how to apply commands like heel, sit, down, stay, come and place to your dog's everyday vocabulary. Developing a strong foundation skill set is key to a successful, harmonious relationship with your pet. It establishes a line of communication between you and your dog. In advanced classes, we will teach you how to utilize hand signals that will coincide with basic commands. This will allow you to gain the ability to freely go off leash. With basic and advanced obedience, we can tailor our program to meet you and your dog's personal needs. We have private lessons available, whether that is at our indoor facility or in-home evaluation. If you take a private course with us, you are welcome to join our weekly group class for free. We also offer a residency training program. This in-house program generally runs for two weeks. Your pet will stay in our kennel, which is always under supervision. We would then have the opportunity to work with your dog at our facility for one-on-one uninterrupted daily training.

Behavior Modification


Behavior modification is one of the most important aspects to consider when approaching training for your canine. Understanding and addressing issues that could potentially cause unwanted behavior is crucial to your pet's overall development. Your pet wants to do right by you and has the ability to please. It's up to you and the trainer to work as a team to determine what initiates stress, irritation, anxiety and/or fear for your animal. Pin-pointing these potential triggers is where training truly begins. Taking an assessment of your dog is the first vital step towards understanding what he/she truly needs to thrive and be successful. Behavior counseling will allow us to advise you on probable causes, yielding conclusions and solutions to such problems as house training, chewing, digging, play-biting, jumping up and more. Behavior modification programs can help with confidence building, proper socialization, dog aggression and people aggression.

Specialty Training


Personal protection teaches qualified dogs to protect individuals, families and property while still retaining a safe pet. Partaking in this training will not affect the loving, affectionate nature of your dog. We will teach the animal how to determine what is a potential threat and when to react. An alert command is given, followed by calling the dog out so the situation is always controlled.


Physical assistance training can help those who are disabled or handicapped with everyday tasks. Your dog could learn to retrieve objects, assist with wheelchairs and doors, provide physical support and stability and perform other physical necessities like turning on a light switch or retrieving the mail.


Our facility also has a full agility course which includes the following: a frame, dog walk, seesaw, table jump, window jump, weave polls and tire jump.



When attending large group training sessions, it is easy to feel overwhelmed, not just you personally, but your animal as well. You might feel intimidated to ask questions in front of such a large group or the course might not go at the pace you desire.


Private lessons can help reduce the overall anxiety in this new learning experience for you and your pet. Where group classes can be beneficial and are great for socialization, it is best to start off small and work your way into feeling comfortable to attend a group class. Choosing a private lesson gives you one-on-one undivided attention. We can tailor each class to fit you and your dog's personal needs based on personality, aptitude, social development and your family's goals. Private classes grant you the ability to schedule based on your specific availability. Each class is focused solely on you and your dog. You can take comfort in knowing that the trainer is certified with varied training approaches and behavior problem solving.

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